From Calais
Drive in the direction of Baarledorpstraat/N466 towards Gent (A16/E40). Maintain in the direction of Antwerpen(E17). Once you reach Antwerpen, stay in the direction of Breda (A16/E19). You will then arrive in the Netherlands, where you will then need to drive towards the direction of Breda-Oost/Utrecht/Tilburg (A58), Breda/Utrecht (A27). Take exit (A59), Waalwijk/Kaatsheuvel (N261) and simply follow the signs stating ‘Efteling’.
From Rotterdam (A16)
Drive in the direction of Dordrecht/Breda. Take exit 's-Hertogenbosch (A59), followed by exit Waalwijk/Kaatsheuvel and follow the 'Efteling' signs.
From Amsterdam
Drive in the direction of Utrecht (A2). Follow E25 to 's-Hertogenbosch. The take exit Waalwijk (A59), followed by exit Waalwijk/Kaatsheuvel (N261). Follow the signs stating 'Efteling'.